Salida camara torsional

Implementation of a BLUESKY® System in a bone meal gasification plant

GESUGA, a Galician by-products management company, has implemented a BLUESKY® System for continuous monitoring of combustion gases (%O2, CO-ppm; CO (mg/m3/O2 ref)) in a bone meal gasification plant in A Coruña.

The need to control the variations in the oxidation levels of combustion gases makes continuous monitoring of O2% and CO mandatory, not only for environmental reasons but also for energy savings and efficiency. Continuous monitoring of these gases will enable GESUGA to maintain combustion atmospheres with defined oxidation levels that facilitate control of the generation of CO present in the combustion gases of the gasifier and the torsion chamber, knowing at all times whether environmental regulations are being complied with.

Any combustion process can be measured and controlled with OXYCOMB’s systems.

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